Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Myco


21 17:19:49

I have five rats that I adopted recently and it looks like they have the Myco resp infection.  I have taken them in to my regular vet who seems to know some things in regards to health care.  She put them all on an antibiotic.  My question is is there an easier way to administer the antibiotic to them?  I feel as tho they don't get the full strength because they are squirming around so much.

I have decided to take them this week to the vet you recommended in Westminster.  If this is going to be a long term infection I want them to have the best.  Thanks for the referral.


Is it baytril your using?  

You can mix it with strawberry syrup, add a bit of water to make it can even use some melted vanilla ice cream, yogurt or anything palatable that may mask the taste of the meds. Dont worry about a bit of sugar, it wont hurt a bit, I promise.  Its more important they get the meds in them.

let me know if that works. You can simply put some on a flat dish, squirt the medication in, mix it and let the rat lick it all up.

Works like a charm for most rats.

If its doxycycline, avoid the dairy and use strawberry syrup.

I am glad your going to Westminster. Dr.Tia Greenberg is fabulous!  Please keep me posted!!