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Rat Allergies

21 17:36:40

Hi. I got a rat last Saturday at the pet store, and ever since then, he's been sneezing.

He sneezes 2 or 3 times in a row.
could it be allergies or something else?

Hi Jessy

Few things first before I can come up with a solid answer.

What kind of bedding/litter was he on at the pet store and what is he on now?

What is his diet now and if you know what he was fed at the petstore, please list that as well.

Sneezing is not uncommon for a rat that just moves into a new home. They tend to sneeze alot esp during handling. He may become nervous and his histamine levels rise, which causes sneezing. Once he is put down and left undisturbed, the sneezing may ease up.

If he was kept on bad litter such as pine, cedar, corn cob litter or even cat litter, this can cause serious irritation to the respiratory tract and once they are removed from it, they sneeze to clear out their airways form these irritants.

Anyhow, let me know what he is on now both for diet and also for bedding and we will go  from there ......