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My rat has sores on his tail.

21 17:56:56

     About a week ago my rat, Harold, developed some sores on the base of his tail.  I figured it was nothing serious and as a precaution I cleaned his cage and gave him new towels.  But the sores haven't gotten any better.  The scabs haven't gotten worse but the area seems to have risen.  I'm really hoping they aren't tumors or something like that.  I will take him to the vet if it doesn't get better but I wanted some advise first to see if its something I can cure at home.  I have pictures if you want me to email them to you.

Hi Chewie

Sometimes, this is the prime area for small abscesses to develop. For now, if you have a bottle of olive oil in the kitchen, apply a small amount of that to the area, rubbing it in very well and keep him busy for at least 5 mins. to allow the ointment to absorb in because he will go right for it and lick it off. A few hours later, use plain neosporin, doing the same thing as you did with the olive oil. Use the neosporin three times a day Let me ask...are these scabs forming a perfect ring around the tail or located on just one side?  What type of litter do you use in the cage?

Can you email the photos at my email address?

It sure helps alot to see stuff like this before opening my big mouth, but I do have an idea of what it is but would like to see the photos before I make the diagnosis.

