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Rat Odor compared to Ferrets?

21 17:27:37

I am considering getting 2 pet rats to keep in my apartment next year, but I am concerned about the odor. I have read in several places that rats do not have an odor, and in other places that they do. I understand that they will have some odor, but I don't want to get them and then find that they stink up the entire apartment (my roommates would not approve).
So, my question is, do rats smell as strongly as ferrets do? By this, I mean do their cages smell as bad? I had ferrets for a long time, and I know that their cages smell no matter how much their cage is cleaned, and they will make the entire house stink.(or at least mine did)
Also, how much worse do males smell? I want males because they are calmer, but am considering their smell before getting any. Do you suggest males or females?

Hi Ashley

Let me just say this first of all: All living things have an odor of some sort. From fur to hair, there is just no way to avoid some type of scent that is shed from a living mammal. However, it doesnt have to be offensive, and I think my rats smell just fine, much better than my dog does when she comes in from outside when it was raining.  YUCK!

I have males and have had females and never had a problem with odor. It depends on so many factors.  For starters, the cage. it should be coated, never galvanized.  Galvanized steel absorbs urine odor and nothing gets rid of that scent once it soaks in!!

Second, Keep wood products that can absorb urine out of the cage. Wooden cabins or those silly edible huts that are downright NO GOOD for rats due to alfalfa content (rats cant digest alfalfa!) absorb urine and will eventually smell.

Litter train them and use litter such as aspen shavings. Stay clear of care fresh. It smells horrible.  Avoid corn cob bedding too. This is bad for them if they eat it but also can grow a nasty mold soon as it gets wet and not only is it unhealthy but it smells terrible! EW!

MY RULE: The bigger the cage the better, too. Circulation is key. I keep a fan going all the time in the room just to move the air because I keep the door shut due to the fact I have six cats (that dont smell either!  LOL!!)

Also,  Neuter your males to keep them from marking with urine, although most of mine have been intact and even when they mark (they outgrow the marking with time) it doesnt smell.

Feed a proper diet, not the garbage seed mixes found at pet stores.  Follow my diet on my website for proper nutrition. A bad diet will create some foul feces!!

My page on healthy diet:

I use a ferret nation for my older bucks and they have a litter pan on both levels.  If they tend to urinate in hammocks, dont use them. Give them a hidey house and some absorbent paper towels and change out the paper towels daily.  People sometimes insist they provide fleece hammocks etc...and if the rats urinate in them, they stink big time.

Some people bathe their rats. This is ok if you dont over do it. I say once a month is ok if the rats tolerate it. Not all rats like water so if you do think you want to bathe them, start slow with shallow water in a paint tray in the tub. Let them go in it on their own. Gradually add more water to the pain tray. As they get used to deeper water, you can start using the bath tub. Baby shampoo is fine.
You do NOT have to bathe them to avoid odor, though. Rats spend half their lives grooming themselves and each other so unless the rat is really old and cannot groom well, there is no need to bathe them unless your really hell bent on doing it!

In closing....
It isnt the rats fault if they smell...they dont give off that musky odor that ferrets do due to their scent glands.

Just for an FYI- My rabbit smells worse than my rats ever did!

I prefer males over females mainly because females MUST be spayed between 3 and 5 months of age to avoid mammary tumors later in life. If you dont spay, your almost guaranteed to have females with mammary tumors popping up after ovulation ceases.  This is one of the main reasons I prefer males.

Anyhow, my rats dont smell because I follow the rules for proper husbandry.  If other people say their rats smell they can only blame themselves.  Its only due to something they are not doing right.