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Found a baby rat

21 17:27:37

My neighbor found a 'mouse' this morning and called me. She had him trapped under a planter. It is probably 50 degrees outside. Upon inspection I realize that it is a baby white rat! He has full fur and open pink eyes and took right to my hand as if he was already domesticated. I have him in a tall cooler so he can't climb out until I find something more suitable (don't worry, I am keeping the lid off). When I went to check his gender I found that his penis was sticking out and didn't seem to want to go back in. I saw some stuff on one of your pages that make me think I could use a little KY (or maybe vegetable oil?)and try to move the sheath back over it. I do not have the money for a vet, especially an exotic one! Other than that he seems healthy. He ate some cheese and drank some water. I don't get paid for a few days yet so I need to know what I can feed him from around the house? I think I read something about yogurt? Right now I have a shallow dish of water, some lettuce and some cheese in there with him as well as some torn up washcloth material. Any advice?

Aww poor little guy! Do you have any dry cereal in the house? Cheerios, wheat germ, anything like that? Do you own a dog or cat, and do you feed them kibble? That stuff can be a temporary food for him, as can crackers, bread, and other grains and starches. Avoid too much lettuce, as it can give him a bit of the runs. If you need to, soak some of the harder foods so its a bit pastey for him.

KY or veggie oil will - should - work for sticking his little peepee back in. If it continues to pop out, he may have a partial prolapse, and as long as it doesn't swell, turn colors or dry out, he's probably just fine with it and there isn't much a vet can do that is kind to your wallet.

For some more ideas on what to feed him, and the healthiest rat diet in my opinion, google "Suebee's Rat Diet". Good luck!! Are you keeping him? :)