Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Itchy Rat w/ Sores

Itchy Rat w/ Sores

21 17:57:13

QUESTION: Hi. My rat has had a large sore for quite some time. I thought it would heal on his own, but it just got worse and there are more sores forming on him. One by his mouth, and several other small scabs on his back and stomach. I had him on Batryl and Doxycyline for two weeks as prescribed by the vet because of his terrible congestion. He has lots of dandruff also. This all leads me to think he has mites. I recently am trying Ivermectin with him. This is his second week taking it as I have read to give him an uncooked rice size amount once a week for three weeks. I am cleaning out his cage twice a week. If possible, I can send you a picture of a few of his sores if you give me an email address. He seems to be drinking water fine and eating maybe a bit less than normal, but he still eats. I thought the ivermectin would help with the itching, but it doesn't seem to have helped at all (of course this is only the second week I've given it to him). He was in a cage with two other rats, but I separated them because he is the only one with this condition. I used to use Kaytee Total Comfort Bedding, but am currently using newspaper because the bedding is what I think may have had bugs. I'm not positive on this though. What do you think I should do?

ANSWER: Hi Danielle

Sure,send me a photo to

I wanted to ask, what kind of diet does he eat? Often a diet high in protein can lead to itching and sores. The dandruff can also be dry skin from dermatitis.

As for ivermectin used via horse worming paste: although this is a big hit with most rat keepers, because of my professional link with the clinics I cant really support its use this way but I do know the way that most people dose using it and it is as you said: the size of a grain of rice given once a week. If it is going to work, it should start working now since if there are parasites, the eggs still have to hatch. Have you noticed any mites at all?  Keep in mind that these parasites do not live on the animal but instead they live in the bedding and in toys like wooden hidey houses etc... You can freeze any unused bedding for 24 hours and use it again since like you said, it was most likely the source of tranmission if the rat indeed has parasites. Freezing for 24 hours will destroy and existing parasites and eggs. In fact, I always freeze any new litter I buy for 24 hours before using it. I had a colony of 24 rats at one time several years ago, and they all had mites!! I vowed never to allow that to happen again (although my mischief is 6 males now) and since I started to freeze the bedding I have not had a problem since. If the mite feeds on the rat, it will be very visible to the naked eye once it is engorged with blood. This is when I LOVE to splat the little buggers.
I suggest if once I see the pictures and we can agree it may or may not be scabs from parasites but instead more along the lines of protein allergies or dematitis, you can continue with the horse worming paste (which I am assuming that is how you are getting the ivermectin; from the paste) but if I am wrong, what type of ivermectin is it?
I suggest revolution or ivermectin from the vet if it is mites and he doesnt respond to the current treatment. Mites can take their toll eventually by causing anemia if they are left to feed on the rat for long periods of time. I hate those things so bad...the word PEST is perfect for them!

Also, if the other rats do not show the same symptoms, there is a chance it isnt mites since they do travel from rat to rat and are species specific rather than host specific.

Anyhow, please feel free to send the pictures to my email so I can take a look.  If the sores are ugly and mean looking, you can gently cleanse the area using saline solution and a thin layer of neosporin ointment. Rub it in good so its not a waste of time because it will be licked off eventually. Rubbing it in and keeping the little guy busy for a few minutes assures absorption of the ointment so it can work to help prevent infection or heal any active infection.

Hope this helps and thanks for caring so much about your little rats enough to seek more information about his care!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi. The previous question was several months ago, but I have a follow-up question to ask. I don't believe my rats has mites ever. They are all in the same cage now and I have gotten rid of all the sores that the one rat had originally had with the use of cortisone cream and triple antibiotic ointment, but he is STILL scratching different places. There is a small sore on his back, side, and by his mouth and eye. I use a combination of Kaytee Total Comfort Bedding and newspaper for their bedding. I am now making his food including cheerios, puffed rice, oats, etc. from one of the recipes you gave me. None of the other rats have a problem with scratching. This rat is the most submissive out of the three. He's kind of a pushover and very timid so I'm thinking he just has a lot of anxiety or something. What do you think is going on and what do you think I should do?


I am wondering....sometimes rats can also have dry skin too, and this can make them itch.

You can try to apply aloe to the areas that look sore too, it wont hurt along with the other stuff as well to prevent infection.

Being a bit more stressed and anxious can indeed cause itching and also sneezing too. When they are stressed their histamine levels can rise which makes them sneeze and itch. When the stress factor is reduced, they slow down with itching and sneezing.

I would suggest trying an antihistamine such as benadryl to see if this also helps but I would need his weight.

I don't want to tell you not to worry about it because sometimes a rat is just simply a bit neurotic than his cagemates and can even be obsessive compulsive which in turn can make them itch and even cause them to barber themselves or others excessively.  I have rats here that have bald patches all over them and their fur looks like it was burned with a match in areas yet nothing is wrong. They are nervous mental messes because they came from a house where they were pets to a 2 year old child and this child used to carry them around upside down and drop them etc... which was just ridiculous to allow such a small fragile child be a toddlers PET and yes I would have loved to have gotten a good hold of the parents of this kid, but instead, one of the boys bit the kid and they took the rats to the dog pound, where I rescued them from being put to sleep. They are both really nervous no doubt because of the abuse (although it was unintentionally, the kid didn't know any better but the ignorant parents should have!) so these two boys take their anxieties out on their fur etc... sometimes even causing self inflicted bite wounds. Its as if my rats are "cutters" or  something along those lines. They both take low dose valium and this has helped immensely with the itching too, but I think my rats problems stem from mental illness more than your rat. It could be a number of things really and thats where the process of elimination comes in to play!

I do think you have a point though when you said he may have alot of anxiety that could be triggering does make sense if all else fails.  The brain can do alot of strange and bizarre things to people and animals.