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rat disease

21 17:54:49

I have a female pet rat who is about 1 and 3-4ths years old. Last night when I looked at her she was fine. When I came back from work today one of her eyes was really bulging and swollen. She had crusty red stuff around both eyes. But on the swollen one it looks like there are pockets of puss actually in her eyelid. Can you tell me what this is and if I can treat it, tell me how?

Hi Andrew

Sorry this has been sitting here unanswered. It was not directed toward anyone so it went into a state of LIMBO and it is urgent it was answered. I am hoping by now the rat has seen a vet, if not, that is what she needs to do right away.

This sounds viral in nature with a secondary infection and she will need antibiotics to recover.  

If you need a vet that cares for rats please let me know your location and I can give you some names so she can have veterinary intervention that she deserves.

