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new rat sneezing

21 17:24:23

Hi, I've read a lot of things over the Internet about fancy
rats and sneezing and I'm worried because one of my rats,
who I've had for about 5 weeks or so, sneezes a lot during
certain times of the day and night, sometimes with a sort
of snuffling or wheezing sound.  He sneezes frequently over
a short period of time then seems perfectly fine.  Lately
it seems to happen in the morning and the middle of the

I got him from a pet store and talked to the breeder who
said he might just have a cold but it seems to have gone on
for too long now.  He's housed in a wire cage with other
male rat on a bedding of fabric with a litter tray in the
corner with rodent safe cat litter.  

When I first got him he seemed to sneeze constantly but at
this point I used Carefresh bedding, so I changed the
bedding to fabric and the sneezing has calmed.

Other than this he seems alert and active and there's no
discharge or weeping eyes.  

Thanks so much for your help


Hi Katie

For starters, the breeder is totally wrong. Rats absolutely DO NOT harbor colds. Out of the 200 plus viruses that cause the common cold, rats are immune to every single virus. They are exempt from colds, unlike ferrets.  That worries me the breeder actually told you that!

Some sneezing in moderation is normal since we all sneeze from time to time.  However I do not like the fact he has a wheeze when he breathes. I am thinking he should probably be on antibiotics for this. Do you have a good vet?  If not, I can help locate one for you that is good with rats, even living in the UK, I have a database, but need to know where you are in the UK.