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Pet rat paralyzed, seizing?

21 16:53:19

My pet rat is struggling to move it's back legs, can't walk, not eating and shaking like it's having a seizure, what can I do

Dear Jamie,

I can't tell from your question whether this was happening over a period of time, or just when you wrote. In any case, there is nothing you can do but wait and see what happens.  It could be a seizure, which might mean there would be no damage after he recovers.

On the other hand, if he was having a stroke, he may either have permanent brain damage, partially or completely recover, or, sadly, pass away.

A third possibility, and  by far the most likely if this new behavior continues, is that he has a pituitary tumor, which is a brain tumor. There are ways to treat these tumors for the short run. The most commonly used drug is prednisone, with an antibiotic, which can slow the growth and relieve the pressure on the brain.

If I were you I would wait one day to see how he is, and if he is still having symptoms, bring him to a good rat vet. Cat and dog vets do not know rats; you need a specialist in "exotics" or "pocket pets."

Even with the correct specialty, the vet might not be completely up on all treatments. Please printout the "pituitary tumors" section of the following article, and bring it with you:

The person who wrote it is not a trained vet but has worked on thousands of rats, including doing over 1,000 successful tumor removals; let's say she is an autodidact. Her information is among  the best you can find.

Your vet will discuss with you whether treatment is the best option for a few more months; or when the right time might be to say good bye.

I hope it is not a pituitary tumor. I hope that by the time you read this, he is fine. Best of luck and health to him.

