Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my new baby albino hooded pet rat

my new baby albino hooded pet rat

21 17:59:49

Hello. I just got a baby rat 2 weeks ago. I read a question and answer about the sneezing and I am going to go get him checked out. But I have a question about how to bath him,how many times a week should I clean his cage, where to keep him in my room, how to keep him warm, what to put in his bed that I have, how big the cage should be, what toys would he like, if he would ever run on a running wheel that is in the cage, what is the best bedding and food to give him, how expensive is it, and how warm the room should be? Thank- you a lot and I am so happy that you could assist me!

Unless you plan on showing him (yes, there are rat shows) or he gets really dirty, there's really no reason to bathe him as it tends to stress rats out.
Clean his cage once a week.
Keep the cage in a place without any drafts and that isn't in direct sunlight.
To keep him warm, I have one main answer: Get him a same-sex friend! Rats need to stay in groups as they are very social and will get depressed if they are by themselves. A friend will also keep him warm at night. You can also give them nesting materials like paper towels or old blankets.
The rest should be answered here: