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death from lupron?

21 17:11:47

Dear Ms. Conti-Todd

I have twice lost pet rats shortly following a lupron injection.  In each case, the lupron was administered to help contain a pituitary tumour. My vet is very knowledgable about rats and has served me very well over the years.  I know she did research to determine the appropriate dosage for my pets.  

What might explain these losses?  Are there contra-indications for the use of lupron in rats?  One of my rats was a 1 year 6 month female, the other was a two year old male.  

Lise Patterson
Ottawa, Canada


Was a necrospy done on the rat to determine if lupron was the cause? I would think if the rats had pituitary tumors, their death was related to that before I would point the finger at lupron.

Leuprolide (Lupron) is simply a  synthetic hormone. When it is used, the body stops producing testosterone hormones in males and estrogen hormones in females.
There are no fatal side effects. However, there may be side effects due to allergic reactions, but that would not include death.

Before I jump to conclusions about it being the lupron shots that contributed to either rats death, I would have had a necropsy done first.  Chances are it was not related to the hormone injection.

I am sorry for your losses.