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Gadgets lump

21 17:21:25

Hi Janell

My pet rat Gadget (he is a dumbo rat) is around 18months old and over the past few months has developed 2 lumps which have both been removed and were mammory tumours. However, this first lump removed left a hard 'scar' which we could feel under his skin- it is right on the top of his rib cage, and recently it seems to be growing larger. The vet did warn us that the lump may reappear, however this is rock hard just like the scar first felt and even feels bone-like. My vet is over an hour away so I was wondering what you thought of the lump before going to see them? Is it possible for it to be a calcium build up of some sort?

Many thanks


Scar tissue is hard and sometimes feels bony - and it does gather over time, depending on the amount of scarring or tearing that took place during surgery. If it begins to protrude from the skin and actually resemble a tumor, that's your indication that it isn't scar tissue - but if it remains "underground" and beneath the skin, it likely *is* scar tissue, and I wouldn't worry about it terribly.

Good luck!