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New love of my life

21 17:19:56

I got my new baby Freckle about a month and a half ago. He's a really big sweety, automatically cuddled me as soon as I held him. Love at first sight. I really didn't even have to socialize him. What I wanted to ask is what would be some good treats for him, and how can I provide him with the best diet? I keep a store of lettuce and carrots, and bananas. How much of this should I be giving him, and how should that be balanced with lab blocks and seeds? Should it be just a once a day or once a week treat?


Congrats on the new rat.  

As for diets, if you want to give him the best diet start by tossing out the seeds. The seed mixes sold at stores are the biggest waste of money and the worst diet you can ever feed your rat. Lab blocks are good providing they are a good quality block and not having the first ingredient being corn or corn products.  Listed second is ok, listed third is even better, but not listed first.

Lettuce is nothing but empty calories and can cause loose stools. Carrots are fine, bananas are a bit too mushy and can cause choking. Rats cannot vomit so I advise to keep clear of peanut butter, bananas, doughy foods etc...

For all the info you need on proper diets for rats which consist of daily helpings of vegetables, check out my website and my page dedicated to proper diets for rats.

Low protein is a must for rats kidneys and low fat for the obvious reason:)

Let me know what you think.

Also, as for feeding, you can keep the dry mix down at all times. Rats never over eat, they only get fat by eating the wrong foods.