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shes doing great!

21 17:52:13


I written to you about an URI and i should get Baytril. I gave you information on where i live and you said to watch out for your reference? im not sure how to look for that.

But good news and great news!! Ok good news, i found a 'pocket pets' vet clinic that specializes in small pets, and is only 40mins away from me!

Now the great news. The Baytril is working, i got refills so she will be on this for 20days, i have never seen her so bright eyed and energetic. I also switched her feed from the store brand: seed mix, to debbie's homemade diet. I also follow her table of what servings of fruit and veg each day. I have seen improvement in leaps and bounds. The only down fall is that she is so hyper she has figured out how to pop the cage door open lol

I'am writing to you just to THANK YOU SO MUCH, you have filled me with sooo much information and i greatly appreciate that!!

Here are pictures of her if you would like to see the life you have saved!!

Thanks again Sandra!


Hi Kerry!!

That is the best news I have heard all day!  As for my reference, I was referring to the follow up I sent with the name of a few vets for you, one in which is probably who you took her to see already. I looked and dont see the message I sent anywhere it may have gotten lost in cyberspace?

Anyhow I am so happy she is doing so well and happy the vet is taking care of her properly and even more happy she will get the meds for the full 20 days! (or 21)

She is adorable as is her brother....but I do need to warn you that she can get pregnant if her cute little brother is not neutered. I saw them cozied together and thought....UH OH!  I wasnt sure if you knew that rats can get pregnant at 5 weeks old and up.

Well anyhow, I am thrilled she is improving and thank you for your kind words. Please feel free to contact me any time!
My email is
