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Young rat mothers

21 17:24:40

I have small female rats housed with adult male rats. My small female rat is pregnant, and due to past unlucky experiences, I noticed that young mothers usually turn away their young. I have 2 other adult mothers that have 1 week old babies, but I was afraid that if I put the young mother's babies with the mothers that have 1 week old babies to feed off of that mom, that it will get overcrowded and the young mother's newborns will get pushed aside by the older ones and end up starving to death. What should I do?

Good job having lactating rats. This is what is supposed to be done. Usually a breeder has to lactating females in case one doesnt lactate properly.  give the new mom a chance and if she doesnt feed the new pups, give them to the other mothers and keep a watchful ee on them. I have had very young mothers have litters and were wonderful with the pups so I guess it varies.  Hope this helps, keep me posted.