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orphaned wild rat

21 17:47:47

Hi Sandra,
While digging in my compost yesterday, I scared off a rat mom.  Horrified, I realized that I'd already killed one of her babies with the shovel.  I then found another baby alive and unharmed.  I tried desperately to find the nest and put the babe back but was unsuccessful.  I left the babe in a sheltered corner hoping mom would come back and get it but by 7pm, the weather was turning cold and I brought it inside and set up a warm bed for it. It apears to be 10-12 days old.  It has fur, it's about 6cm in length (not including the tail) and it's eyes are still closed.  One thing I'm concerned about is it hasn't had any bowel movements.  I'm using a cotton swab dipped in warm water and rubbing it's genitals before and after feeding but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm feeding it a soy, yoghurt, disolved lab block solution. I feel responsible and would appreciate any advice.  I haven't decided yet if I'll be keeping it (we already have three pet rats), although my daughter and I are already getting attached...

That is really nice of you to try to save it but this young, it is really hard. Are the eyes open?  Dont feed yogurt or lab block, stick to the soy formula. THe baby is not ready to digest anything but liquids yet which may be why there is no stool yet.

Here is the URL to the best way to try to save an orphaned rat:

Please let me know how things go and I wish you luck.