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heart meds

21 17:02:10

hi, i have an 18month old doe with heart problems. these problems only started a few weeks ago, she has had respitory problems previously. she has these attacks, she starts panicking and will dash around, her feet will go bluey and i can see the veins. then her heart beat starts slowing down and she will start gasping. her heart rate goes up and after a few minutes she is fine. she is currently taking baytril and prednisolone for her resp problems, and was originally started on furosemide(1/8th 20mg) daily, fortekor (benazepril)1/6- 1/5th 2.5 daily and a pinch of millophylline daily. she was doing very well on this combo but started to refuse the millophyline in food and would set off an attack if i tried syringing it in. she is now taking vetmedin (pimobendan) 1/8th 1.25 twice daily. she has lost weight and is fussy with food. she has been on this for a week and i have seen no improvement so she will be going back to the vets tomorrow. i was just wondering if you could recommend a good combo of meds for her to try, my vets are no rat expert and they try hard but are open to my suggestions. thankyou.

Your rat has a serious case of cyanosis when she becomes panicked like that and her extremities turn blue.  I have a page about heart disease on my website, with the names of the medications used to treat certain conditions.  Being we are in the United States these medications may be different from what you have there but may do the same job. I am not familiar with the drugs above other than the pred and baytril and of course the furosemide which is to help with excessive fluid retention. It must be increased with use as the rat can become tolerant to it. This can also dehydrate the rat so its important to watch for this.  

Here is the link from my site to use for more info and  you can share it with your vet:

Scroll down toward the bottom to see the different drugs used to treat heart disease in rats. There are different types of heart disease, from congestive heart failure to cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart)  I have seen rats that were like your girl and it is very scary and heartbreaking for both the rat and you as well.  If your little girl doesnt respond to these drugs its best to have her put down rather than have her suffer due to lack of oxygen, which is why her feet turn blue (cyanosis) the muzzle may even turn blue as well.  I actually went out and bought an oxygen generator and used it on some of my rats that had heart and lung problems but it just isnt fair to let them go through this all the time.  I hope she responds to new medications.  I know how scary it is for them.  Also, try offering baby foods to lick. Its easier to lick than chew when they are having trouble breathing.