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First time rat owner

21 17:01:40

Hi Sandy, I am a 61 year old Grandmother and first time pet rat owner. I puchased my beautiful friend Manu about 3 months ago. My problem is that he has started to bite, and I am not sure why. The other day he gave my husband a very nasty bite on the hand. He just atacked him for no reason. Manu has a very larg cage and lots of toys. I handle him quiet often during the day, and at night he is allowed to run free in a secure room. I am tinking of getting him another rat fr company. Have I left it too late? Manu is about 5 months old now. Do I get a younger rat oran older one? I am afraid though that Mau may attack the new rat. What is the best way  in your opinion to introduce them?. By the way I really enjoyed Critter City.....great site. I am from Australia, but I guess rats are the same in every country!!! Thanks

CongRATS on your new rat.  I am a bit worried that if you get him a friend he may be too aggressive with him.  I dont like the biting at all. Did you get him from a pet store?  Sometimes neutering helps. Does he bite you?  Biting is not really a normal thing for a happy healthy rat.  I once had a wonderful boy, my Ben, who passed away from a terrible tumor in his colon. He was in alot of pain and was squeaking and trying to get away from me when I was taking him to the vet and he put his teeth right on my face and pressed down as he cried in pain but never bit.  This is a well bred rat. He could have ripped me up from the pain he was in but never bit. When you say that the rat bit your husband for no reason, did he just walk up and bite him? Tell me how it happened..... and I am glad you have read my site. I have been keeping up with it since 2004!!