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My rat died and I cannot be at peace until I know the real reason.

21 17:06:11

About a week and a half ago my rat Peanut died. She had been showing signs that she was sick (labored breathing, loss of weight, bloody discharge from the vaginal area, etc..) a few weeks prior so my mom and I took her to the vet. The vet said she had Pneumonia (I think thats how you spell it?). They prescribed us some medicine and we took her home. We gave her the medicine for a week or so and one day my mom was giving it to her and she just broke out in a seizure from anxiety I guess. My mom set her down on a towel to get the second dose of medicine and when she came back Peanut was dead. I really want to know what the case was so I can feel at peace.


Hi Carly

I am so sorry for your loss. I am not sure what I can do to help other than tell you what may have been the cause of your rats death....and if she had pnuemonia, this would very well be something that may have caused her passing. However, the bloody vaginal discharge has nothing to do with pneumonia. I would think she had an infection in her uterus or perhaps a urinary tract infection if the blood was more related to the urethra rather than the vaginia. Pneumonia in rats is very serious and can be fatal.

How old was she? You said she had a seizure, can you explain to me what occured?

Again, I am very sorry for your loss.