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Ziggy post-surgery

21 17:02:09

QUESTION: Hi Sandra.  I had to start a new question.  It's actually just a followup to your latest email to me to give you an update.  Ziggy came home yesterday after 5 days/nights at the vet.  She's all bandaged up and so far doing quite well.  The reunion and love between her and her sister brought tears to my eyes...I bet each thought they would be alone for good when Ziggy left.  Ziggy has not even tried to touch her bandaging (actually, she can't even reach it as the bandaging is high enough and tight enough so her little neck can't bend past it).  The vet did recommend that it stay on (with one more changing) through the entire 14 days post surgery.  I'll be taking her in this Saturday for him to check how it's healing.  I just wanted to thank you so much  for "holding my hand" through this stressful ordeal, for recommending a good vet, and for all your wonderful advice.  The rest I think is up to Ziggy!

ANSWER: How is she able to eat drink and groom?  

I would take a good look at that on Saturday....he is kind of stressing her even more with this thing on her.   I wish I had better advice.  Myself, I would tell them to keep it off tomorrow, esp if its healed over.  I cant see why the stitches need to stay in that long. Rats heal fast unless they are stressed and this delays healing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ziggy's quite the trooper.  She doesn't look stressed at all.  She eats just fine holding her food, drinks water from the dispenser like before, and does her darndest to try to groom herself wherever she can reach.  Poor thing must be itchy inside her bandage cause she licks her little foot and scratches the bandage making a loud scritchy noise.  Seriously, she is acting like her old mischievious self, attitude and all.  She hops up and down the ramps and in and out of her hammock and runs up and down our entire flight of carpeted stairs in a flash.  I honestly don't believe she is stressed, because she is Ziggy (unlike the usual rat).  Her sister would have probably been a different story.  She's the "sensitive" type.  I've attached a pic of Ziggy with the bandage climbing down the stairs. Thought you might like to finally see what she looks like after all of this.

Anyways, took her to the vet today, sat and waited for 1/2 hour, after which Dr. Myers told me he doesn't want to touch the bandaging until this Tuesday, 14 days after her last stitching!  I was upset that I had to put Ziggy through the drive on a hot day then the long wait.  And dissapointed as I was anxious to see how the healing was coming along.  But what could I do?  So we will be back on Tuesday.  At least then they can hopefully remove the stitches and bandaging and say goodbye to this ordeal.

ANSWER: The photo didnt show:(

Also, I just cant wait for this to be over with to be honest. As much as I respect the Vets your seeing, I have to disagree with this only because of what I know and have done and seen myself.  Again though, Ziggy is a different case that I have not handled myself so its not fair to say what the vet is doing is wrong, even though I just cant imagine that she isnt healed by now and this ordeal could be over with way sooner than Tuesday.  I would love to see a photo of her adorable self, though and if you dont mind I would like to put her on my website to be right up there with the other ratties that wouldnt leave their stitches alone.  In fact if you can I would LOVE to have you take photos of the newly healed incision if you dont mind. I can submit her story too....

please write me at Sandyscrittercity@ and we can continue our discussion in private there!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra, I sent you an email about Ziggy and just wanted to ask you to check your Spam folder in case you didn't get it.  I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Got it!!  Yes I want the story if you want to write it how it started I can add the story and I have the photos that you have sent me. It looks like real healthy tissue now. What an ordeal!!  Dont forget the name and city or state or both you want me to use. Ziggy of course, but if you want me to use your first name...stuff like that.