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Lump came within a day!

21 17:26:23

Hi Sandra, my girl Ratarella had a tumor removed 3 days ago and it came back again and its growing very quickly! It still feels soft but it gets bigger by the minute. My girl is 2 years old and i dont know how safe it is having another so soon! My vet will be shut for the next 2 days so i was wondering if theres anything at all i can do :-( many thanks Laura.

Is the lump in the area of the surgical site?

Did it rupture the incision open?

It may not be the tumor, it could be what is called a seroma. This is a pocket of clear serous fluid that builds up in the area where the surgery was and it is pretty common after this type of surgery.  

Dont get me wrong, tumors do grow back often after surgery, and yes its too early to put her under again, I would not advise it yet, but it is not uncommon to see more grown.  I am still thinking it may be the seroma your seeing, if its where I think it is.

Let me know where the new lump is located.