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Rat Bathing

21 17:28:46

Okay, I have kind of a strange issue here. To make a long story short, I have a multiple level cage and my rat Sophie got peed on by my other rat. Gross. I don't generally feel the need to bathe my rats, but I did once before because she had gotten smelly, and she absolutely HATED it. Since it's on her back, she can't quite reach to clean herself off completely. How can I get her clean without traumatizing her?

You can take a paint tray (clean new one of course) fill the paint well with warm water and stand her on the other side of the paint tray where its dry.  Take a warm cloth with soap on it (baby shampoo is fine) and wipe her down, rinsing the cloth in the tray of warm water. She may let you even take a handful of water and sprinkle her with it. My rats hate baths too so I just buy unscented baby wipes for those extra dirty occasions.