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Red discharge around eyes, clumsy, spasm

21 17:47:06

My 2 year old pet rat Moose was fine a week ago, but lately it has been all downhill. First I thought it was just a small cold runny nose and such but it turned bloody. But what worries my most is this weird spasms she has had a few times, and when I took her to the vet, the vet had never seen a rat do it before, a sort of flattened arching back with just the very base of her tail flicking tightly back, followed by loss of motor skills in the hind legs until another spasm happened.

The vet first suggested two antibiotics, then after observing the spasms first hand, suggested it might be neurological and then suggested an antibiotic and a steroid. I don't know what to do, because Moose is very old, but if it is a tumor there is nothing I can do, so should I really spend the money on prescriptions that will only draw out the inevitable...or do you think it isn't neurological and just a bad infection?
Moose shows no head tilt, and has been eating baby food because she cannot hold her regular food. I fear she's not drinking enough water either (how many Oz per day/week?) Also while scratching her head and shoulders she jumped when I hit a small lump/nob between her shoulder blades, I don't know if the bump was always there but she didn't flinch before.
Please help!

First of all, the red discharge is called porphyrin and is not blood so that should ease your mind.  Porphyrin is produced by the harderian gland located behind the rats eyes.  When the rat is stressed they produce excessive amounts of porphyrin from the eyes and nose. This usually indicates illness.
Second of all, you say your rat is very old. I thought you said she was 2?  2 is NOT very old. 3 is very old. ALso, I dont even say 3 is old because it depends on the rat and how well the rat was cared for. I Had a rat that lived to be close to 4 and could shame even the youngest rat.

To give a rat a chance to recover from an illness should not be considered a waste of money.  Any little bit of time you can get out of your rat that is quality time is not really wasting time, but I guess everyone is different.  If you can make her happy and comfortable for 6 more months or put her down now and no treatment has been given is not really giving her a fair chance. It boils down to a matter of priorities and everyone is different so I would never judge you, only support your decision for whatever reason. I can however, give advice and also lend you my opinion, if thats ok? Which of course is that I would give her a shot at recovery. If you see that a month goes by and she is still no better and your sure she is not happy, at least you know she tried.  
Short story: I have a boy named Smudge and back in Jan he started acting so odd, walking in circles, spinning, even flipping over.  He was put on steroids etc...and here he is, still doing good months later!