Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > bumble foot

bumble foot

21 17:58:13

QUESTION: The same question but I forgot my email password. I am sorry about that. I feel like a turkey. lolol

ANSWER: uh..ok  LOL

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you see other animals like mice and hamsters and stuff or just rats? It says rats are your specialty so I was wondering.
Where do you live anyhow? I can bring my rat to you next time they need to have treatment!

Oh!! Oh!!!  I am not a vet. I thought I made that clear in my profile.  :-0

The only time a vet is mentioned is where I state that my advice is not to replace taking your rat to see a qualified vet.

It is/was a dream that will never come to pass, unfortunately. :-(

I missed my calling, I admit...but I would never have gotten past the math part anyhow.  ha! Math should be boycotted! boo hiss hiss!!

Thanks for the confidence though. It sounded kind of nice for a minute there. :-)