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rat dandruff

21 17:51:07

I have 3 male rats who all seem to have the same small brownish flakes coming off of them. I have been trying to look everywhere for signs of what this might be. I though it could be dandruff and if it is how would I treat it? I didn't think it was mites because I see no sabs from repeated scratching. It looks like they are just shedding skin. I just want to be certain what to do.

Hi Christa

It sounds like dandruff. If its not bothering them, thats a good thing.
You can treat it, however, by using a bit of olive oil on a salt free cracker. Do this every other day for a week and twice a week after that. Just pour a few drops of olive oil on the corner of the cracker for each rat. They will love it and their fur will be nice and shiny too.

Hope this helps!