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My Rat Vibrates

21 17:23:24

I have a three month old female medium hooded rat. Her name is Ella. She's the first I've ever owned. Luckily, she's very healthy, so I've never any problems with her. But recently she began to shudder in a vibrating kind of way. At first I thought she was cold, but then I realized it was whenever someone put their hand in the cage. The weird thing about it is, if you were to remove the top to the cage and reach in, she won't do it. Is this natural territorial behavior or is she afraid of me?

She is sending subliminal messages, rats do this for several reason, on being to show dominance, so with that said I believe she is territorial. I would break her of the habit because it can progress to biting. Every day simply reach your hand in the cage and leave it there until she stops shaking, then remove it when she does. Once you get to the point where she doesnt do it at all reach in and pet her then give her a treat. then leave her be. After a while you should have no problem.

Good Luck!

Emily Harris