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I love him but Im afraid of John

21 17:39:49

am so upset.   

John was due to be fed to a snake when I saw him in a pet store.   He was so little and docile.

He's now about 9 months old, and very fit - hyperactive in fact.

My son brought home a lovely little brown rat we called Mary, and she and John set up home together.

Recently, we added two more adult females because their owner had got tired of them and they would have ended up as snake food.

All three females have produced courtesy of John.  Mary also has taken to climbing up for a cuddle and a kiss.

This last couple of days, John, who just crawls all over me when he feels like it has begun to nip my hand and wrist - not enough to draw blood.

This evening, he was on me and I was scratching by his ears which he normally likes, when he turned and bit me really viciously.    I instinctively threw him off me - then foolishly went to pick him up to put him back in his cage.

I believe he was probably as frightened as I was, because he really then ripped my hand before I put him in his cage.
Now I can hear him making a noise - think he's crying.

I feel like crying too - but I don't feel I can trust him again. He frightens me.   I was so proud of him.

One thing I noticed though - the three females run around and play, but John appears to be over-sexed and hyperactive.   While the ladies are mucking in to rice pud etc., this evening, he didn't even want a drink of water, and showed no interest in the food at all.

I don't know what to do now - I'm scared of him doing this again.  Both my hands are a mess.

PS. I wrote the above a couple of months ago.  Now, whenever I go onto the balcony where John and the girls live, he follows me around, jumps up on my knee and generally appears to want to be near me.  He's quite big and strong - wants to smell my skin - gives little nibbles which makes me flinch away.   Is it possible to get back to the old trust ?    A few months ago, my son took a video of me bathing John and Mary - If you have time, you could see how confident I was then - it's on under John the Rat.  

Are you still allowing this male to mate? You must be up to your ears in ratlets if so.  I must be honest though and tell you that if he is indeed aggressive by genetics he will pass this aggression on to his offspring, which is why John is aggressive in the first place. He was inbred more than likely and now your doing the same by breeding him and creating more aggressive off spring.

I am not sure how to answer you though since you wrote that a few months ago when John was in full blown puberty. Usually between 8 and 9 months of age males will reach puberty and sometimes if they have aggression issues, they will surface at this time. Using him to breed only heightens this aggression because he is actually breeding and he is releasing enormous amounts of testosterone.  

I dont understand a few things yet so I will wait to hear from you first as to why your breeding him etc... but to be honest, you should save a few males from the litter you have or had etc....and put John with the males and keep him from the girls. I would not breed any of them again. The other females may need up just like him or maybe even more aggressive.

Also, I know this is hard but try to focus. WHen he bites u or ANY rat for that matter, try not to touch them. I have had clients race their limp rat in to the vet after they were bitten because they, by natural instinct and of course, reflexes as well, the girl slapped the rat off of her and the rat went flying a few feet, smacking into the wall. SHe was dead almost instantly but this is not an isolated incident. I have had several people come in to the clinic with seriously injured rats that were flung about after biting the owner. I know its difficult, trust me, because it hurts like a son of a gun, but just try to think about it first even in that split second.  Also, (and this may be super hard) try not to let John know your scared he may bite again because he will pick up on the energy and that it is negative energy and if he is trying to be alpha male, he will sense this and think of you as part of the mischief he rules. HE will boss you and try to dominated you so do NOT let him know you fear him and the possibility of him biting you again. Also do NOT wear gloves. THis makes him feel you do not trust him also.  

ANyhow let me know where things stand now since the letter is old so I can further advise. Hang in there!