Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > another rat?

another rat?

21 17:59:26

I had two rats that were litter mates. One of them just recently died, he was
almost 2. Now we are left with one, same age, but i am wondering if we should
try to introduce a new rat (or two just incase). I know it may seem like he's old,
but we got these rats from a breeder who breeds them for health and they tend
to live longer. The rat i am left with is in perfect health, besides being a little bit
fat. He seems depressed, and i am wondering if i should get him a new pal.

Please do not let age deter you from giving him a new lease on life with a couple of young, bouncy boys, especially since he is still in good health :)

Introducing rats

Please take notes from the websites here and e-mail me again when you get your new boys. I'll help you through the methodical introductions.

Don't forget the Quarantine period
