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My pet rattie - Sissy

21 17:57:20

Hi I'm really glad you are here for us that have pet rats. I have a question for you and please don't think I'm dumb- well because its kind of a weird question- but one i need to understand because i am worried about her. could you please tell me if female rats have periods like human females? My sissy has been bleeding and I'm really worried and there is no vet that will answer this question. And that worries me to by the way.


For starters, you are absolutely NOT silly for asking this question and in fact anyone that takes the time to search about their rats and health problems shows me they CARE and want the best for their little awesome pet!!
Your far from dumb, and now you will learn in a minute more than you ever hoped about the heat cycle of a female rat because I type.....ALOT!   :-)

So to answer your question..

No,female rats absolutely 100 percent DO NOT have periods like humans females and here is the reason why (if your like me, you like to know who, when, where and why about everything!!)

Rats are in heat all the time, every 5 days which to me is all the time! LOL!!  Can you imagine what a pain that would be?!!
Anyhow, because they are in heat so often and the heat lasts less than 24 hours, they do not have enough time to build up the endometrium and have nothing to shed during menses.  

Human women have 28 days to develop the lining of the uterus which is needed for pregnancy (this is where the baby will grow and develop for 9 months should pregnancy occur)which again you probably know this but in case others reading this may not know.

Anyhow, rats are in heat so often there is not enough time for any of this to occur so they have nothing to shed during heat.

That said, your rat needs a vet as soon as possible. You don't need to panic because it may simply be an infection of the bladder or uterus, or it could be hormonal from polycystic ovaries ...or it could be worse and be a tumor which may require spaying which again is not the end of the world for her but you will need a vet that knows all about rats and surgery and ailments that they get and all that fancy smancy stuff.  If your vet doesn't know the answer to the question if rats have bleeding during heat, your right to worry. That is one thing vets should absolutely know, even if they don't rats as patients!!

Anyhow, I can help locate a vet in your area that will see your rat and possibly call ahead for you etc... let me know your location and the cities surrounding you so I can start looking today.

Hope this helps!!  I forgot to ask: how old is your rat??

