Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sage.


21 17:19:34


Left side of face.
Hello Sandra. The infection is related to her runny eye issue that she's had for a long time. The vet said that the swelling in her throat was her lymphnodes kicking into over drive to fight her eye infection, but her eye infection just got worse. They injected her with an antiobiotic and sent us home with some oral antibiotics. I should be able to tell if she's getting better by Saturday. I hope that Sage's situation will help you to continue to give great advise. Thank you again so much!

Ahhhhh yes, I see the pus in the corner of her eye!!  I wish I saw that sooner or I would not have scared you into thinking she had some mass in her face!!  She should improve with proper treatment. I am really glad you got her into the Vets!!  Please keep me posted!!  From now on I am going to keep in mind that swelling in the throat is often the lymph nodes and doesnt have to mean there is some mass lurking in there waiting to burst!!  

She is adorable, btw, runny eye and all!