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21 17:02:39

Hi...First thank you for your site.You have been a great help over the past exhusting and worrying days..  Oreo our pet rat lost her fight this morning and we are now deeply sad at her passing away.  She leaves Cookie her fellow play mate and protector. What can we do for Cookie. Should we renew everything in the cage for fear of cross infection.  I feel this may cause Cookie more stress.  Do we leave her on her own or consider in the future finding another young friend or two. Thank you for your thoughts on this

I am so sorry for your loss.  I would NOT change anything...if your rat was going to catch anything it is too late now, but chances are she wont anyhow  As for getting a old is Cookie?  If she is really old, it may not be a good idea to start her again with new mates UNLESS you buy in pairs again or you will end up with another rat that is all alone again.