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Breeding My Rats.

21 17:11:46


I'm the proud owner or three rats at the moment, and I'm loveing every second of it!  My two female rats are mother and daughter - mother I bought pregnant from a pet shop, but, even though I was only 13 at the time I noticed streight away and handled the situation as best as I could.  She had nine kittens three days later.  My mum wasn't to happy, but we've bread hamsters for a long time, so I had some kind of exsperience.  Dust (the mother,) is very healthy considering her young pregnancy and so is Rain (her daughter.)

I think that maybe Rain's too old to breed from now (she's 1 and a half,) also, I know every one seems aginst pet shop breeding, but i would like to have the exsperince of a controled breeding.  I will be getting a new female rat from a breeder in April though, so I can just wait for her, it's just Rain has the most amazing tempriment and markings, but I don't want to put any rats health at risk.  Theres also the big possibility thats she's inbread (becasue she was bought pregnant,) and even as I'm writing I can see it doesn't sound to good!

I will take what ever advice you give me on bord, and I'd love to here some advice on how to start breeding.  I have done A LOT of reserch but different sites are telling me different things =/

So I'll just ask a few questions -
One site told me its okay to breed rats at age 4-5 months, but I'm not sure I agree with this...any thoughts?

Rats can start breeding from five weeks, so is the best time to seperate them at around four?

I know it sounds like I'm in-exsperienced, but my doe's nine babys are all healthy even now, I just want to do this again, this time with a little more knowlage under my belt! lol


Sarah xx

Hi Sarah

You must be going to some very unprofessional sites if they are encouraging breeding at all.

Do  you know how bad it is to breed rats that you know nothing about?  You could be breeding rats that carry genes for disease linked to liver disease, heart disease, bad immune system, aggression, you name it.  If you have done your homework you will also know that rats have up to 21 babies.  Do you have the money to support this?  Do you have the finances to support the proper diet they need, and I dont mean the garbage pet stores sell, which is too high in fats and proteins.  What if the mother goes into labor and has complications?  She will need an emergency Vet to get those babies out and if not, they all die.  What if the mother doesnt feed her babies due to lack of milk?  Do you know what to look for to see if the babies are getting enough milk and to see if the mother is lactating?  Do you have the money to treat the rats if they get sick?  Also, there are so many unwanted rats in this world already, nobody wants a rat that is bred without knowing its background and genetic make  up.  The ONLY reason to breed is to create a healthier rat.  More healthy than what we have now.  
It is best to keep the males from the females and just enjoy them as pets.  There are just too many things  you probably didnt think about because you were overwhelmed with how cute and sweet and fun they are.  Trust me, you will have your hands full and the expense will be more than you ever imagined.  If you end up with sick rats and you cant take them to the vet due to the expense, this will really make you feel sad that you have to watch them suffer.

The reason we dont want pet shop rats bred is due to the lack of information there is on their ancestors.  Thats the main reason.  The mother or father may carry a gene that makes mean aggressive rats, too, no matter how well you socialize them.  

Really, you have to think about the bad things before thinking of the good, because it really really will be unfair to the many many unwanted rats out there that get put to sleep in shelters because nobody wants them.  

Can I ask you a few things and you answer them for me but PROMISE you wont peek at the answers on the net before answering them?  Promise no peeking?  I want to ask you a few very  very vital things about rat care and see if you know them.  If you cheat, only you will know it of course, but I think your a good girl with a huge heart and will be honest with yourself and wont cheat.

here goes:

What is the best diet for rats?

Do rats need alot of protein in their diet and if so, how much?

What type of litter is bad for rats and why?

What age do rats end their estrus (stop going into heat)?

What happens to female rats when they get older if they are not spayed?

After a female has babies, if a male mate her, how long after she has babies can she get pregnant?

What age can you tell the rats sex?

What age do the babies open their eyes?

What age do the rats start to eat solid food?

How long do you quarantine rats when you first get them?

What do you know about quarantine?

Let me know these answers and promise, no peeking anywhere for the answers.  You said you have alot of experience with rats and I want to see how much you know and if your even ready for breeding.  I can help you along the way with whatever you need, but I cant support breeding pet store rats.   If you get two well bred rats and have a list of their ancestors and their genetics, that will be alot better.