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rat eye issue

21 16:53:38

normal eye
normal eye  

bad eye
bad eye  
Hi again natasha
I know that on the picture you can't see it well but ill sent you two pictures from both eyes
but can you tell me what an wide open eye means?i will sent the fotos.
Something possible important is that the skin around the eye  is a lot more visible than the other eye
that maybe gives the effect that the eye is very open.if there comes a lot of poryfin out of one eye
what does it mean? Thank you

Dear Luke,

Well the pictures look about the same, but I'll take your word for it!

Let me give you a link to a recent article about rat eye infections.

Here you will read that if the eye starts to BULGE it is a problem.  Then he would have to go to the vet, or he might be in danger of losing the eye or worse. I had a mouse whose eye bulged out, many years ago, and I did not know what to do. The head began to bulge. It turned out that there was an abscess behind her eye, and I was able to shrink the lump back to normal quite quickly with an antibiotic. But NOT before she lost the eye (she scratched it out). So it is crucial to get a vet to see it, if it does begin to bulge.

Otherwise, follow my advice with the tea bag for a few days; and if it doesn't change, try an antibiotic ointment. If that changes nothing, try to get a better photo and write back, but not to me; write to Debbie. Her stats are only down because one person misunderstood the rating process. If you wrote back to me, she is one of the people I would ask!

Best of luck and health to him.

