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Male rat - secreting mucus

21 17:23:10

Hi there. I have a male pet rat that has not been neutered. He is approx. 1 to 1.5 years old but not sure because bought him from a private party but know that he is not more than 2 years old.  In April, I bought another male pet rat and introduced them.  Both are great friends now and live together.  My older rat has been secreting a pale yellowish goo from his anus.  I have tried to research this but found only purple or red secretions but this is very light yellow to almost clear color.  He does not seem sick, eats well, plays good, etc.  No tumors or lumps and he is not secreting red/rusty liquid from eyes or nose.  His diet consists mostly of alfalfa pellets and then occational carrots, grapes, apples, and plain pasta.  I was just wondering if you had ever heard of something like this and what it could be?  Thanks.


Stop the alfalfa pellets. Rats cannot digest alfalfa.

I think the secretions you see will subside once his digestive tract gets back on the right path.

Please see my website on proper nutrition. He needs a new diet.

He needs an assortment of grains, vegetables and a small amount of fruit with a bit of high quality animal protein thrown in for good measure. The pasta is ok, but the occasional carrot should be the occasional grapes and apples and replaced with daily helpings of carrots, peas and other veggies.

Here is the link: