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Pet rat suddenly biting

21 17:09:18

Hello. We have two female rats and both have been very socialized. I have the same problem as one of your other rat owners: out of the blue, one of them has bitten both of my sons, and now me.  She has never done this before and we cannot identify any stresses that have occurred in the last day or so. I don't want to make it worse, especially until I get her to the vet......should we just leave her alone for a day or two? Please help us - we really love her and she has always been the more docile of the two. It's very scary and I have told my boys not to touch her until I figure this out.  Thank you.

When did she bite you? What situtaion occured when the biting took place?  For example, was she out playing or did she bite when you reached in the cage for her? Did she just walk up and bite totally unprovked?

I have had my share of bites, from rats that were anti social (lab rats that were terrified of people, and rightly so) and dumb me, breaking up a fight beween not one, but THREE angry males. I thought I could intervene and break up the fight only to have the largest and most angry rat bit me in three places...I can go on and on.  However, your rat story is different.  Let me know what was going on at the time of the bite. Rats bite when scared, when in painv or when they are trying to  get their point accross.