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Emergency please advise...

21 17:17:17

Hi Sandra,

We have spoken before, my girl rattie had 12 babies and I kept them ALL.  Now they are getting older, 1 yr 6 months.  Well, my boy Ziggy started making the gurgle sound on December 26th, no sneezing and no discharge from nose.  Doc gave me Chloro at 1cc twice a day, and while at the office gave Ziggy an injection called "lasix".  He really seemed better for a couple days, but now he is gurgling non-stop.  Doc gave me oral lasix today to use in combo with the Chloro.  I also bought a high-end humidifier to run for him, which warms the water before misting it.  Is that ok to use?

What else can I do??  Should I put him in a separate cage away from his buddies?  Can they catch this thing?  How can I tell if it is Heart disease or congestion?  I'm so worried about my boy.

Thanks so much Sandra.
Happy New Year 2010

He needs off the chloro and put on baytril with gentocin injections. Forget the lasix, he needs steroids and albuterol.  He should be kept in the hosptial and nebulized for a few days as well.
Once he is stable, xrays should be taken to see what condition his lungs are in and the size of his heart.  Is he gasping? Rapid breathing? Note the color of the bottom of his feet. Are they pink or blue to purple?

Do not put him in another cage. Stress will only add to his illness by lowering his immune system.

Happy new Year to you as well....hopefully your little guy has pneumonia that needs more aggressive treatment and doesnt have lung scarring or heart disease.

Oh, almost forgot....please read on my website the section on heart disease and go over the symptoms and let me know if any of these sound like they fit your little guy.

please let me know.