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rat is squinting

21 17:45:48

I am a first time rat owner and am very excited!!! i recently noticed my rat was squinting his left eye and it looks like it is bleeding. i know they have red tears but i don't know how to tell the difference. the other eye is fine and there is nothing coming out of the nose. he has been sneezing and scratching quite a bit since i brought him home. he is not having any trouble breathing. as far as not being active, i don't know what is an unusual amount of sleep for rats. i appreciate any help you can give me

Check out my page on my site about red tears and you can compare. Usually porphyrin is darker in color and blood is much more light/bright red.  

When they squint this usually means there is a bit of pain going on. He may have scratched his eye somehow and it burns. Watch for swelling or the eyeball to change colors, get cloudy or cause the rat to itch it all the time.  Meanwhile, bathe his eye with a soft warm wet wash cloth and if you have any saline solution, a little dab on the eye wont hurt either.

Rats sleep alot during the daytime but should wake up for snacks etc....and when they are young they sleep more during the day, active at night since they are nocturnal.

Do you have a vet?  If not, please let me know your zipcode and I can help you find a vet that will care for your rats