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degu pregnancy

21 17:02:53

i got 2 degus last month but when they got to my house there was 4. turns out they mated and had children. in the past few weeks the female started growing around her belly, i think shes pregnant. so i separated the dad from the mom and her children. since theres not much on the Internet explaining there pregnancy, i have no clue what to do! i would really appreciate it if you wrote back. thanks for listening

  Found this info for you here:  Hope it helps!

Degus require community environments. Unfortunately, pet stores frequently house both sexes together-which means you could bring home a pregnant animal. Knowing how to diagnose pregnancy in a degu can assist you in providing prenatal care for your pet.

Read more: How to Diagnose Pregnancy in a Degu |

1.Watch the degu's water intake. Pregnancy often causes females to drink more water than usual as their bodies work harder to nourish their offspring.

     Monitor the animal for weight gain. Owners can sometimes tell simply by looking, but you can also use a sensitive scale to be sure. You can find them in vet offices or pet stores, and home version postal scales also work for the purpose.

     Observe any changes in shape, particularly around her hip area. In late pregnancy, females often appear pear-shaped. It's difficult to see in the animal, but often noticeable as you compare her to other degus in the cage.

     Pay attention to her attitude. If a formerly friendly degu suddenly nips and runs from you, she doesn't feel well. Pregnancy could be the cause.

     Seek the advice of a veterinarian familiar with the species. Only a qualified vet should perform a physical exam. Amateur poking and prodding can dislocate the mother's floating ribs or harm her babies.

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Tips & Warnings

     Degus can give birth up to three times per year. Keep males and females separated.
     If you own a single female, you must provide her with a non-pregnant female cage mate as quickly as possible. Degus are not solitary animals and can die without companionship.
     Never breed a degu on purpose. Shelters are loaded with unwanted degus needing homes. Even if the pet store assures you it'll "buy the babies back," you have no way of knowing if they'll find good homes...or become snake food.
     If you discover your degu is pregnant, be prepared to make separate housing arrangements for any males. Although they'll stay with their mother at first, young males can and will mate with their mother at a very young age. Inbreeding can cause health problems for both mother and pups, and possibly lead to miscarriage. Separate males when they no longer require nursing (around 30 days).

Read more: How to Diagnose Pregnancy in a Degu |