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black hooded rat stretching her body, sunken hips

21 17:54:53

QUESTION: My rat started showing signs of sickness yesterday. She is very lethargic and just sleeps all the time. She seems to have cramps in her stomach as she keeps stretching her body out lenghtways, pressing her stomach to the floor. Her body is showing thinning at her hips. She showed similar symptoms a couple of weeks ago, but they only lasted a day, so I didn't think I had cause to worry. She is still eating a little, but is usually so energetic.

She is female, about 3 months old (almost full grown) and we buy her soft fabric beading.

She lives with her sister and her cage is 17 x 30 x 14 inches. They spend alot of their time out of their cage, and she is usually very energetic, climbing up the blinds etc. I am planning on taking her to the vet ASAP, as it seems very serious, but was just hoping to have some extra information in case the vet is not an expert in exotic rats. I read up about hing legg weakness, where they advise to give her a vit B complex. I'll consult the vet before doing so, but was wondering if there are any preventative measures regarding this.


A 3 month old female has at least another 3 to 5 months before she is considered an adult. She is a teenager now and around 8 months old is when they become adults. It would be way to young for her to have any kind of hind leg weakness.
This is caused with age from degenerative changes.
Now time for me to ask you about a billion things so I can get some general idea about her condition:
Has she been sick at all before and if so, what was wrong?

Does she have porphyrin discharge from her nose and eyes? Porphyrin is the red discharge that appears to be blood although its not blood but produced from a gland behind the eyes mainly used to lubricate the rats third eyelid. When the rat is stressed from illness or other factors, they produce more porphyrin discharge which in turn prompts the rat owner to seek out a vet, which in a way is like mother natures way to warn us our rat isnt feeling so hot.

How are her stools?  Has she shown any problems breathing such as gasping, wheezing or congestion?
When she seems less energetic, does she refuse to come out to play at all or has she just seemed a little slower?

When she presses her belly to the floor, does she also seem to drag her face/chin on the floor as well?

Sorry to ask so many things at once, but it helps me to better understand her symptoms since I cannot examine her.

You say her body is thinning around her hips, but what about her abdomen? Does it protrude more now?  
How long have you had her and where did you get her from?

I will check back shortly for a follow up from you. Hang in there...
Also if you want I can find a vet for you in your area that is an exotic specialist but you may need to drive up to an hour depending on where your located.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. She hasn't shown any discharges from her eyes - her eyes do look sick though, just not as bright as normal, but no discharge from nose or eyes. She lives with her sister so it is quite difficult to tell the stools apart. I have given her sister the exact same food etc. and she is doing really well. Scout (the sick one) has always been about an inch smaller then her sister, but is usually the most energetic of the two.

She has grown worse since I wrote to you yesterday - and to be honest I was worried about her being alive this morning. She has stopped eating pretty much now - I tried to give her some baby food, but she hardly had any. She was playing a little with Gem her sister yesterday, but this morning I found it difficult to get her out the box to hand feed her. She looks very uncomfortable, and when I hold her all she wants to do is just sleep on my lap. Usually it is difficult to pin her down for a cuddle for 2 seconds.

She isn't pressing her chin on the floor at all - its all her lower regions. I haven't noticed her abdomen protruding either. I think her thinning is from losing weight - I can't believe how quickly her symptoms have been progressing.

She hasn't shown any signs of breathing problems.

She showed similar signs with the body stretching about 3 weeks ago, but it only lasted one day and then she was fine. Last week though she got an electic shock from the fridge, and came out crawling, but recovered by the next day. We have of course blocked up all the holes and ensured it won't happen again, but was fine for a week so I don't see how that could be the cause.

I hope these extra details help. I've booked an appointment with our local vet which does also care for exotics at 5 pm. I live in London - so I'm not sure if you have knowledge of london vets. I am just hoping the vet has knowledge of rats, as I think she needs antibiotics or something pretty quickly.

Is it possible to put a rat on a drip? I'm just worried about her losing so much weight. Have you ever seen a rat doing so much stretching? She lies with her tummy flat on the floor, her legs sprawled out.

Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate. What a god send to have someone experienced with rats to chat to.

Many thanks

Oh my......I am glad she is going to the vet today. I hope she is ok.  As of now I cant say what could possibly be wrong. The electric shock thing scares me a bit but as you said, she did recover.  It sounds like she is in pain for sure. I just hope its infection and nothing worse. Weight loss can point to alot of things from cancer to heart and kidney disease which she may have, although so young for it, it would have to be congenital. I hope she is ok.

As for vets in the UK, I do have access to names of exotic vets throughout the world but the problem is me and my lousy geography so I usually supply someone with names of every vet in the UK if I can pinpoint how far one is from the rat keeper.  

Please please let me know what is wrong with her. I am also worried and wish I could help more. There isn't much I can do thousands miles apart but offer my support, which you have, along with prayers.

