Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Dexter... Again.

Dexter... Again.

21 17:43:32

QUESTION: Hi, you have helped me berfore, Umm, Dexter is still showing signs of the bad case of myco. He is sneezing constantly, wheezing and there is sneeze spots everywhere. He just recently choked, but is ok now. He has been lethargic, and not eaten as much, but that cleared up 2 days ago. He is still really worrying me with the syptoms of myco running its course. What do I do, do I take him to the vets, it hasn't gotten better or worse, he has been like this for 2 months thats half of his life!
I was told to not worry but I am. I need some advice from someone who knows rats! Fast!

ANSWER: I cant remember.....what medications is he taking? Is your vet an exotic vet?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No, I am not even seeing a vet. I really need to know if thats what I should do. Its stayng the same and he seems to be doing great other than that! He is not on any medacations, should he be.
Is there anything to worry about!?

If he is not eating and is lethargic and is still showing signs of myco, he could have pneumonia.  Yes he absolutely should be on antibiotics and needs to see a good vet.  I dont want to tell you to worry but this could be a respiratory infection that turns into pneumonia if it hasnt already.  Myco doesnt run its causes secondary infection that needs treated.