Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Food...


21 17:37:59

QUESTION: Hi, sorry to change the subject but.... I was thinking about making my own food for Dexter.
Does this sound good:
1.3 small packages of qauker oats with apples in it already
2.2 small hanfulls of unsalted sunflower seeds without shell.
3.All bran yogurt flakes no fat (2 handfulls)
4.A pinch of red lentils.

And I feed him once in the morning, and once at night.
1/2 Tbl Spoon morning and night.
So he gets 3 tbl spoons a day.
Would this give him a full nutritious feeding?
What should I change, How much should I feed him? Anything else that I should add?

ANSWER: You can add the puffed rice and puffed wheat and you can also mix in the regular food he is eating too.  He can have veggies and fruits daily. I would at least give him a daily dish of peas and carrots, even canned. Do it at early evening so if he doesnt eat them all you can remove it so it doesnt get funky.  As for feeding, rats should have food down all the time. This keeps them from eat too fast which is not good for their digestive system and also they may get food stuck in their throats from eating fast.  Rats do not over eat and they do not over eat to get fat. what makes them fat is the foods they eat that are fattening. Bottom line is let his food down all the time like you do a self feeding dog or cat. This way he can adjust his own schedule.

You can compare what you want to add to the food mix from my website:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, I just got back from the pet shop with Oxbow Regal Rat, I was told that this was he best food.
I am giving it to him in a food dish so he can eat it whenever he wants. I am adding my homemade stuff, and gradually take it away. Ummm.... Any advice how I can do that sooner as I have a HUUUGE hose competition at the Xebition in Toronto this weekend and my sister is looking after the rats then.

My local pet shop has stopped selling Yesterdays News my all time favourite brand of bedding...Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks A Mill!

Yes Regal rat is the best you may have even read that on my site. It even smells great.  You can use this with the homemade recipe to make it all more interesting for him. You do not have to wean rats from their food, but I wouldnt just leave him with regal rat and nothing else in case he likes it but doesnt love it. Just mix the homemade food up, give it to him in a dish and fill the dish as it gets low and same as the regal rat. What are you weaning from him ,the other food, the old seed mix you used before?  As for yesterdays they sell aspen? Hemp by lifemate? I love both of those and they arent as heavy as yesterdays news is. I used Yesterdays news for my bunny though but its so flippin heavy when I change his litter box!