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oozing penis

21 17:47:32

my rat's penis has been oozing clear, red, orwhiteish liquid and he is draging
both hind legs. what do you think could be wrong? I was thinking an infection or

Hi Ally

How long has this been going on?  How old is your rat?
It sounds like he has a urinary tract infection.

As for the fact he is dragging his back legs, when did this happen? The same time as the penile discharge?

This is probably not related to it and he may have paralysis in hind limbs due to degenerative changes of the intervertebral disks.
Paralysis in hind limbs occur due to the compression of spinal cord and nerve roots.  This usually comes on slowly though which is why I asked when this happened.

However it may be related to the urinary tract infection if he indeed has it, and he may be in alot of pain which is why he is dragging his back legs.

Do you have a vet that is up to par with rat care? If not,please allow me to help find one for you and in fact, I can even set up an appointment for you if needed. All I need is your location and I will hop right to it.  Hang in there and let me know how she is today?