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Mammary Tumor

21 17:02:41

My pet rat Sierra is just over 2 years old and has a mammary tumor on her right shoulder. Given her age and money, we do not plan on having it removed. What can we do to make her time left happy and pain free? Are there any foods that could slow the progression of the tumor? When will we know when it is time to put her down?

Check out my site, and refer to the page on mammary tumors found in the section on rat ailments.   I discuss tumors and how they can affect the rats quality of life. You wont have to put her to sleep for a while should you chose not to remove it. In fact, she will let you know when she is ready.  After reading my site you will have a better understanding on what to look for etc....  As long as the tumor doesnt open up and become abscessed, she can live many months happily.