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Getting my rat a friend.

21 17:49:25

My rat is little less than a year old and seems a little depressed. I take him out and play with him, even leave his cage open so he can come out while I'm watching of course. He still seems a little sad. So I thought maybe getting him a friend would help. Think it will help? Should I get a younger male or an older one? (No females, because I don't want them to breed) Is a male ok? I am not sure what age, I don't even know if its important. I do know rats need a friend, I'm just not sure how to go about it.

Hi April

Yes they sure do like friends and he will be alot happier with another rat to play with.

In this case I do suggest two rats instead of 1 for these reasons:

If one passes away, you will need to start again and get yet another rat. They cycle never ends.  

You should get two younger rats but not too young or the older rat may hurt them.  

Having two young rats is good so they can play with each other and wont get on the older rats last nerve. ;)
This is just my opinion and of course is not an absolute must, but it does help meet the needs of all rats involved.  

Also a good age is usually about 4 months old or so. THey are stronger and are still a bit away from puberty so they will get to be friends before hormones start to kick  in and males tend to be a bit touchy at times.

You can always check out your local shelter or dog pound. Sometimes there are rats there that are in serious need of a forever home. I found two great boys last year.  They were older and nobody wanted them and they are the sweetest boys. They were very grateful when I brought them home, constantly eating and they love getting cozy in a hammock.

Sometimes a rat breeder has some older rats that they have retired from using as studs that would also make a nice pet!

If you need more info on how to introduce new rats etc let me know
and I will be happy to help!

Good luck!
