Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > YES!!!


21 17:35:43

That is a perfect picture of whats going on with his foot!!! He isnt that fat however...what should i do? is there anything i can do to stimulate blood flow?
warm water perhaps? he in a terrible amount of pain you think? do rats die of this?

This is acute bumblefoot.

Its infection and he needs something for inflammation. I know you prefer natural remedies but if this is going up the leg it could involve the bone and if the infection gets in the bone, yes, it could be dangerous.  He needs medication. A steroid for inflammation such as prednisone, Torbugesic for severe pain and an antibiotics for at least 10 full days. Do you have a vet? If not, I can find a good exotic vet for you, no obligation, but I can give you a name or two.