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Balding Rat

21 17:49:15

Hi, we've noticed in the past week that one of our rats is balding.  It started on her back legs and is now moving towards her sides.  She's not completely bald, but the hair is very short and thin - we can see her pink skin.  She also seems a bit lethargic this evening.  She's about 6-8 months old and other than a cyst on her throat(which resolved on it's own about 3 months ago), she's been in good health.  We plan to take her to the vet, but in the past it's been helpful to have some idea of what we might be dealing with.  Our vet is truly wonderful with our rats and seems very knowledgeable.

Hi Vikki

Sounds like your girl had an abscess on her throat that ended up bursting on its own and clearing up. Cysts do not usually go away and end up having to be lanced and removed by the vet. The fact the abscess cleared up on its own is a good indicator she can fight infection well.
Do you remember if there was a hole in the lump on her throat before it all healed up?

I have a few things to ask first before I make a firm suggestion as to what this can be.

1. For starters, does she seem to be itchy and is she scratching alot?

2. Do you notice any scabs or sores in the bald areas?

3. Check her fur really good. Do you notice any type of change in her fur such as do the ends of her fur seem as if they were burnt or cinged by fire? Do you notice anything white attached to the hair?

4. Check her skin. Do you notice any bugs at all moving?

5. What kind of diet does she eat?

6. What type of bedding do you use in her cage?

7. Does she live alone?

8.  Is she spayed or intact?

It could be mites or lice: It could be allergies to her bedding or too much of something in her diet like high protein OR it could be a lack of something in the diet too.  Sometimes hormones play a role in hairloss too and also polycystic ovaries can cause hairloss as well.

Once you help me by answering these few questions it can help me better understand what the problem may be. The vet would more than likely ask the same things too although he wouldnt have to ask about the way her fur appeared or if there were parasites since he could see during an exam, which I cant give of course, which is where you come in.  :D

Hope to hear from you soon so we can pinpoint a possible cause for her loss of fur.

hang in there
