Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rats??


21 17:26:25

I have two 1 and a half year old female rats. They both recently had a respiratory infection which cleared up with some baytril. Now, a few weeks later my rat Remy now keeps falling and doesnt seem to want to come out of her cage, ive done some research and i think its pseudomonas. My last rat got this too and had to be put down because of this. I want to take her to the vet but he doesnt no much about rats as he gave them baytril injections which led to baytril burn, but i feel i have to go to this vet because i work there (im 16 i do voluntary work.)
is there any medication that you could recomend that could help her condition?
What should i do with her? Should i separate her from her sister?
p.s i live in the uk.


Why would you think your rat had pseudomonas?  THis is actually not a very common bacteria found in domesticated pet rats.  How do you know your other rat had this and had to be put down?

Rats are prone to mycoplasmosis bacteria and also a few other that are not so common, with a certain strain of strep causing a terrible pneumonia.  From your description, your rat sounds like what she has is neurological, possibly an inner ear infection that is throwing her off balance.  Alot of times the pressure from the infection causes the 8th cranial nerve to be compressed causing her equilibrium to be off. This will make her dizzy, causing loss of balance.  Another reason your rat may be falling over is heart disease. Often when the rat has irregular heart beat it can cause loss of balance when the normal rhythm is disturbed.  I am leaning more toward the Vestibular-cochlear nerve being compressed. You can still have the vet you volunteer for see the rats but he needs to read up first and stop using baytril injections. Is he aware of the baytril burns the shots have caused? I Have photos on my website along with a huge warning you can print and show him. She needs to be given steroids to get rid of inflammation on the 8th cranial nerve or at least something like metacam which is a non steroidal antiflammatory.  Baytril ORALLY is fine.  They can actually take the injectable by mouth but its nasty.  You can mix it with something like vanilla ice cream to make it taste good.

Where in the UK are you ? I can find a good vet for your rat. Dont feel bad for not seeing the vet you work for. your rats health is important and seeing the right vet is for her own good.