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pet rat has watery stool

21 17:46:15

hello Sandra,
  I have pet rats and one of my girl rats we noticed earlier today was acting kinda funny and wanting to sleep alot. I just noticed when i was feeding them that now she has diareaha(not spelled right) and looks bloted. She is eating and drinking but it is like it is uncontrolable to the point that wearever she goes you see it like water comming out? I did take her sister out in fear that she too would get sick" she was licking the other and trying to eat the bedding" I did find out that my son gave both rats half of a green grape , could this have caused it? sorry if i sound like I am rambling it is just that about 5months ago we had a bad cold go around to ALL of our Rats and despite us getting ALL of them on anibiotics we lost 3 and my kids were devastated!!!!!! The Rat (Annie) that is sick now is one of the last of a litter of babies and we DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE HER!!!!!!! Is there any home remidies I might beable to give her???
    Thank you soo much for your time,
                  Danielle and Kids

Hi Danielle
PUFFED RICE!!!!  I am serious! Puffed rice really helps harden the stools. You can also offer her the BRAT diet,like humans use:

Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast!
I would try the rice first can also use cooked brown rice, but if all you have is white, thats fine,too!
Watch the bananas since they can be sticky and could cause choking. Give small pieces or buy babyfood bananas.

It could be from the grape, but it could be from illness. Rats dehydrate very fast so I would watch her and if this continues, she needs a vet right away.  Push fluids on her big time, too. Pedialyte fruit flavored would be perfect to replace any lost electrolytes. Let her suck if from a dropper out of the side of her mouth or even put it on a flat dish and she may lick it up that way. Even koolaid, anything at this point as long as she gets fluids in her.
Is she acting sick?  Is she eating and playing or is she being real lethargic?

Let me know how things are tonight!