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Dog Food for Rats?

21 17:53:58

I read somewhere before getting my rat that they are omnivores and therefore like meats. It was also recommended to get dog food. I wasn't sure whether to get Senoir formula or Puppy, though I figured the formula for puppies would have to be gentle so I got that.
Demetrius loves it! I got wet kind of food. Sitting here, however, I decided to double check and made him stop eating the bits I gave him. Now I can't find the information anywhere, except when they say to give him dry food. Is wet food oki? Which formula is best?

Dog food is OK but not as the only source of nutrition.  You need to check the protein content which should not exceed 18 percent, ideally, 15 percent.

Most rat related websites offer homemade rat diets with various things in it including dog food,but alone it doesn't meat all the daily requirements rats need for healthy bones and organs etc... It may be great for puppies and adult dogs, but we are talking ratties.

Your best bet would be to get a good rodent block low in protein made by  which can be found here:
Harlan Teklad Lab Blocks #2014

The best adult rat food for rats over 4 months old is Regal rat by Oxbow.