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Going to try Toffee and Fudge on Ivermectin

21 17:51:09

Hi Sandra
I think you should become a vet and come live in the UK!!

Its mad about the Stronghold. He said something about the licensing!! I dont mind paying out for my girls but am reluctant to pay 40-50 pounds for something that doesnt seem to be working. Ive just ordered some Beaphar(sp?) spot on treatment for rats. The active ingredient is Ivermectin. Ive read up on lots of forums and it seems a good product ( Im a bit reluctant to try over the counter stuff but have given up with the vet and just want the girls to stop sratching.Ill be careful to read the instructions fully before anything goes near them. Ill keep you posted


Oh good move Vicky.  Over the counter stuff esp for dogs and cats have a bad reputation here in the states. THey are responsible for many deaths and seizures in dogs.  Bad news!

As for being a vet, I know in Europe you dont have to go to school to be a vet half as long as you do here.  I know a girl that is in her mid 20s and has been a vet for a while now!!  If I started here now, I would not be a vet till I was well into my early 50s!  OUCH!

Hubby wants to move out of the US anyhow (have you seen our choice in Presidential canidates lately?) LOL !!!

Hubby has been whining about wanting to leave the US for at least two years now but hopefully once we finally have a real President in the white house (the first WOMAN president gets my vote!!) our once very strong country will be re-established.

Ok nuff on the politics.  Sorry.  LOL

Keep me posted, yes, please do....